Change is not only possible, it is inevitable. Let's work together to guide your life through the positive changes you would like to see.

As we say in the Human Givens approach, sometimes what we need is to borrow another's mind, temporarily, to find our way again

My name is Alfred Astor - BSc, MHGI - and I am a member of the Human Givens institute and a practicing Human Givens therapist. Send me an email and we can make a start, find a time for a free introductory call, and see if Human Givens therapy would be useful to you.

What is Human Givens Therapy?

The Human Givens approach recognises 9 innate emotional needs all humans share:

We all are working to meet these emotional needs in our daily lives. However, there are times, for everyone, when we are not getting the emotional nutrition that we need. 

At these times, part of the problem is figuring out what the obstacles are and how you might overcome them. 

Together we can work out what's in your way, and we'll use a combination of your qualities, abilities, and resources and my tools and training to overcome this difficulty and move in the direction you would like to go.

Please get in touch, and we can see if Human Givens therapy would be useful for you. You can also fill out an emotional needs audit and send it over to me, to get things started.

The Human Givens approach is practical, holistic, and evidence-based. It aims to provide solution-focused support in the minimum possible number of sessions.

I have an enhanced DBS check and I am under regular supervision of a Human Givens supervisor.

My areas of concentration are anxiety, depression, phobia, trauma, relationships, addiction, stress, anger, sleep, confidence, self-esteem, and behavior change, with a particular interest in helping people to overcome feelings of inadequacy.


7am - 10pm GMT in rooms near Borough Station/London Bridge (see below). We can determine during our initial chat when the best time for us to meet will be.